Hotel Partners Mothers Day May 6-8 Age Divisons 10U, 12U, 13U Courtyard Marriott-Devon Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge Memorial Day May 27-29 Age Divisons 9u-14U Fairfield Inn Click Here to Book Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge Summer Kickoff June 10-12 Age Divisons 13U-14U Fairfield Inn Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge Summer Series June 24-26 Age Divisons 13u-14u Hilton Garden Inn Newtown Square Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge Championship Ring Series July 8-10 Age Divisons 10U-15U Hilton Garden Inn Newtown Square Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge Summer of Champions July 15-17 Age Divisons 10u, 12u-15u Hilton Garden Inn Newtown Square Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge Bell Ringers Invitational July 22-24 Age Divisons 9u, 11U, 13U-15U Hilton Garden Inn Newtown Square Courtyard Marriott-Devon Courtyard Marriott-Valley Forge