Roster & Player Waivers
Each player is required to register for a team in order to be rostered and participate in an event with Philadelphia Baseball Tournaments. The process is simple, all you need to do is invite your players through your League Apps Dashboard using their email addresses. Upon completion, each player will be officially rostered for the tournament. Players that do not complete the registration process will not be permitted to participate over the weekend. Follow the steps below on how to invite players & coaches to your team.
Invite Players & Staff
Once you log into your account find the tournament you are registered for in your dashboard.
Under the Colum "TEAM" you will see options to "Invite Staff" and "Invite Players"
Select an option
Send Player Invitations
On the invitation page, you will be asked to send a message to your team members to complete their registration.
You can invite players individually or you can invite multiple players at once. If you are inviting multiple players you will need to enter their email address then hit enter so each line has a different email address.
* Please note that invitations need to go to a parent email address *